Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I have been asked why I mess with these old cars, and at times I wonder why myself. This is one reason.

"The Flood"

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Again? Really?

Seems like we just went through this., but here it came again. I found myself just staring out the window and getting cabin fever. In my part of the world this is VERY unusual. I guess I am actually grateful, we need the moisture, but it also keeps me away from my projects!

Oh well I guess I'll grab a good book, and just wait it out.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The little things

The old tail lights on the 95 had those smoked louvered covers. Never much cared for those, so I pulled them off. I was left with faded stripes, and impossible to get off two sided tape. A call to LMC and $30.00 bucks, I had a new pair of OEM lights. A little thing, but it looks better to me.

The old
The new

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Wash day

Had a really nice bit of weather this weekend and I took advantage of it. I washed, waxed, and polished the 95 for the first time since I got it. Which has been driving me crazy, cause I have this thing about keeping my rides clean. But with either bad weather, bad timing, or work, I haven't had the time.

I know I should stay focused on the 58, put I have a few ideas floating around in my mind for this truck as well.