Sunday, May 15, 2011

Starting back

We set the top back on after taking 4 inches out. Gives the Sedan a whole new look!

Monday, May 9, 2011

A little off the top

I thought long and hard about this one. I looked at a lot of different cars and while I knew I was always going to chop the top, I had a hard time deciding how much. Finally I decided on 4 inches.

Into the shop the Sedan went and out came the saws, grinders, and other implements of destruction. I welded in some simple bracing to hold everything together, and set of to destroy a piece of 81 year old history. Forever changing something that had remained unmolested all those years.... tends to make you a tad nervous. But! Nothing ventured nothing gained?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I have pulled all the fenders and both running boards. This is the look I am planning to run with. I have always liked the fender-less, highboy style.

But I am thinking about keeping the splash aprons on. Like a lot of the old salt flat racers did. Pulling the fenders off to race, then throwing them back on to go home and drive it on the streets the rest of the week. Pulling the aprons meant pulling the body, so they stayed.

Note: Notice the Deluxe Speed Shop Roadster a couple of post back.                      

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Party at Bobs!

The Road Rockets had a little get together this weekend, sponsored by Owens Salvage. Not all the members could make it but for those of us who did it was a fantastic weekend! Good friends, good food, and great cars.

Thanks Bob!