Thursday, June 16, 2011

Moving on....

The Impala for the time being is back in service and  despite the weather (107 degrees yesterday and supposed to beat that today) I have been able to scratch out a little progress. Smoothing out the welds that pieced the top back together.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

There might be a small delay.....

Something about the best made plans... I can't remember it all right now. But the jest of it is that life happens, and while I would like to spend all my time at work on the Sedan, other things always pop up.

In this case it is my daily driver, a 1968 Impala Custom Coupe. It spun it's Harmonic Balancer and while not a big job in it's self, this is the second time! So there will be a little detective work as well as tedious repairs.

Oh well this shouldn't take long....... Famous last words?